Body Sculpting
Onda Coolwaves
Revolutionary body sculpting.
ONDA Coolwaves is the most cutting-edge non-surgical body contouring treatment available.
The system uses electromagnetic currents to break down fat cells and allow your body to metabolise them. ONDA Coolwaves is proven to shift stubborn cellulite and fat that diet and exercise alone haven’t been able to move. It also tightens loose skin and encourages new collagen production, making this a two-in-one powerhouse treatment.
This is very different from a fat-freezing procedure. It’s virtually painless due to the built-in cooling system that ensures your skin never heats to high temperatures. Most patients find ONDA treatments much more comfortable than fat freezing, and require absolutely no downtime for recovery.
What to expect.
Microwave frequency by ONDA works at 2.45 GHz, 80% of the Coolwaves energy targets the fat cells and you will have around 20% of fat cell reduction after every treatment. The process is comfortable, and a warm sensation may be felt toward the end of your session.
We usually recommend 3-4 treatments per area, 3 to 4 weeks apart for fat reduction. When treating for skin tightening treatments can be 2 weeks apart. We treat in areas of 15cm by 15cm. This should cover your stomach or one side of the thigh.
We treat various areas in manageable sections that measure 15cm by 15cm. The cost for the initial grid is set at $250, and for any additional grids, the price is $200 each, applicable to the same area. The treatment areas are devided into the upper arms area, stomach area, back/flanks area, and leg area to ensure comprehensive coverage and care for your skin. In order for your body to metabolise effectively from your treatment, we don’t advise to treat more than 6 grids in one session.
After your appointment, you will notice some immediate results but further results will also appear gradually over 30 days. As the body starts its natural detoxing process, the targeted fat cells will be metabolized. We recommend drinking at least 2 to 3 liters of water throughout the day to help flush out the treated fat cells from the body.
Our team has been trained extensively to ensure that your ONDA Coolwaves treatment is comfortable and effective. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask! You can also view a demonstration video below.